Friday 14 May 2010

Pickle love swimming, so i took her to the guildford spectrum its a great pool with slides, water falls, a wave machine and a pirate ship, Annabelle and auntie Karen came to pickle and belle love the big slide they are to small to go on it alone so pickle sits on my lap we lay down once we get going so we go faster pickle always makes me sit up before we reach the bottom so the slash is less she doesn't like getting a face full of water Belle is a 18 months younger than Issy but she is fearless, i think the girls made me & karen go down it with them more than ten times each, not complaining though i love it to and the stairs are good exercise, we had a great time even if we were all worn out by the time we left, Belle and Issy both fell asleep in the car on the way home, We dropped Annabelle and Karen of home then i took pickle back to Nanny's after her nap she put on some new clothes i had bought the day before, Issy loved the new clothes and looked terrific in them, then we all went to pizza express where we were met by Auntie Sarah , Jacob and Joe, Issy for some reason wanted to swap places with me at least 3 times during the meal and surprisingly Jacob was behaving well, they both ate well witch is always nice to see then played with 2 balloons the staff brought over while we waited for the bill, when we got back to Nanny's Issy was tired but trying to fight it saying" I'm not tired" and i don't want to go bed" it wasn't long before she couldn't keep her eyes open any longer so i carried her to bed she was fast asleep before i could read her a story, it was a nice surprise to get a lay in as pickle didn't wake till 9:30 this morning she has been helping nanny round the house then she went to meet to new friends to play I'm waiting for her to get back so i can hear all about her new friends.

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