Friday 28 May 2010

its been a long day, picked pickle up from nursery at 1pm then went to meadow hall to wait for nanny and Jacob to arrive on the mega bus at 5pm so we had 4 hours to keep ourselves amused we had some dinner then went to the play area pickle love playing on the climbing frame and she always makes new friends and i love watching pickle have fun, after we walked around the shops and had an ice cream then Issy wanted to have a sleep so we went back to the car and she went to sleep when pickle woke it was time to go get nanny and Jacob her face was a picture when she saw them she was so excited and all the way home she was telling them about the new house and the animals Jacob asked pickle if she could show him around when we got there, as we arrived pickle said to nanny and Jacob look at the magic gate she pressed her remote and the gates at the end of the drive opened Issy laughed as Jacob asked how they opened on their own, after Issy showed them around and introduced them to the animals i cooked them dinner Jacob and Issy watched dumbo before going to bed, i cant wait for tomorrow just hope its sunny :)

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