Monday 10 May 2010

carried on from previouse post....

Pickle loves spending time at Nanny's, she gets to play with Jacob and Annabelle her cousins plus the attention from aunts uncles and especially nanny, when we arrived nanny made pickle something to eat then told her that Jacob was on his way round for a sleep over Issy just loved that, Jacob is a mini tornado he is constantly at full speed with no off switch so Issy knows when Jacob is round to play its always fun, it wasn't long till he arrived and the madness began, running round the house jumping on the furniture and so on, nanny told me to get a couple of hours sleep while she looked after them so i gave pickle a kiss and went upstairs to rest when i came back down Issy and Jacob were just getting there pjs on as it was nearly time for bed Issy said she wanted nanny to put her to bed so we said good night and she went up stairs 5 minutes later i was called up, pickle wanted me to read her a story, i was sorta hoping she would so i got back into bed and read her a story one that i made up called Issy and Brookie meet scooby doo in the park, after 15 minutes she was sound asleep i was still tired so just went to sleep to, Luckily Issy and Jacob slept through till about 9am Sunday after breakfast they both did drawing and colouring and watched TV i woke up to the great aroma of a roast dinner being prepared, this is how i remember Sundays being, chilled, there were 11 of us family and friends that enjoyed Nanny's dinner then Issy and Jacob played in the garden .

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