Monday 3 May 2010

Its bank holiday Monday and I'm surrounded by boxes getting ready for the move to Nottingham, yesterday was a bitter sweet day every second i get to spend with pickle is sweet but taking her back to Sheffield is difficult saying bye bye is always emotional and getting more so as pickle gets older she is more able to express how she feels and said she wants me to live with her and mummy and Brookie ! we spent the morning at Nanny's Issy wanted to play in the garden but it was raining so she helped nanny prepare the roast dinner then i gave Issy the presents i had bought back from LA for her and Brookie, she put on the pink baseball cap and said she would share the chocolates with Brookie. it was so nice to sit for dinner with my family and pickle there Issy loves Yorkshire puddings, it was soon time for the drive to Sheffield i put the film penguins of Madagascar on for her but she was asleep within 20 Min's and slept for most of the journey witch was good as it breaks the journey for her when we arrived she was excited to give Brookie her presents, Issy gave brook her present and she looked and smiled and told me she liked it and thanked me, Brooke is a great kid and i miss her, Issy and i had a big cuddle and i did not want to let go, pickle kissed me and we said bye bye, i mad it back from Sheffield in record time 2:40 so yay who knows if the road works are ever removed it could be done in 2:10 hmmm struggled to sleep last night its always difficult the first night we part so it was great to receive pictures this morning from Claire of Issy in her ballet clothes ready for her exam it put a huge smile on my face that has helped me through the day, only 3 days to go until the move !!

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