Saturday 1 January 2011

wow the first day 2011....

Pickle and i got to spend the first day of 2011 together :) Jacob stayed last night and he is notorious for getting up early so there was no surprise when he was awake before 7am oh joy.. somehow after breakfast Jacob managed to knock the xmas tree down so nanny decided it was a good time take the decorations down i took the tree into the garden and pickle and Jake helped pack away the lights and balls, then we all cleaned Ellie, Sophie and fizz's cage pickle told Jacob about pepper her favourite ginuipig that died but is OK because pepper is in heaven, i had a lump in my throat listening to pickle tell Jake, after we finished everyone started turning up for dinner i think there was about 12 of us to many to fit round the table so pickle, Annabelle Jacob and i had ours in the living room nanny's dinner was scrumy so was the apple crumble and ice cream for dessert after we cleaned up pickle asked if i could build a camp from cushions and sheets, we haven't done that for ages so i got all the cushions off the sofa and build them a camp then Maya isla and there mummy Sarah came round the kids all wrecked the camp in no time and where just diving on to the pill of cushions they all had a nutty hyper run around then watched toy story 3, every one has gone home now but before Maya left she reminded pickle about her birthday party later this month pickle got excited she loves a party. pickle is fast asleep now its been a great day,

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