Tuesday 25 January 2011


As soon as pickle woke she asked if we could go to Maya's party, i told her we had a few hours before it was party time besides we still had to go get a present for her, yay pickle said, then she asked what are we going to get for Maya, i don't know, lets go to the shop and have a look i said, she gave me a kiss and a hug and went down stairs to nanny, when i came down pickle had finished her breakfast and was making a birthday card using a craft kit i had bought her it was pink and glittery with cute stickers on it, it was much nicer than one we could have got from a shop, i got pickle dressed and we went to the shops pickle chose a fluffy little whit puppy in a bag for Maya, when we got back pickle wanted to put on her party dress so while i changed her nanny wrapped the present, pickle put on a beautiful pink dress she looked like a princess, Liz drove pickle nanny and i to the party as soon as we walked in we spotted Jacob then we saw Maya and Isla and belle auntie Karen uncle Richie, pickle gave Maya her present and said happy birthday then all ov them ran to the play area and they went through the tunnels up the ladders and down the slides they dived in the ball bit with uncle Richie and threw loads of balls at him after a while a loud horn blew and it was time to go and eat the kids all lined up and made there way into another room full of balloons and yummy party food, they all tucked in and then Maya's birthday cake was bought out every one sang happy birthday and Maya blew her candles out, every one had so much fun that the time passed in a flash, it was time for pickle and me to go catch our train back to Sheffield, i thought pickle would sleep on the train but she wanted to watch snow buddies a film about puppies she sat on my lap most of the way back and we talked about the great time we had, I wish every day was like that,....

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