Sunday 16 January 2011

pilgrimage to the pilgrim

I have just got back from Boston the place of pickle's birth, ever since pickle was born at the Pilgrim hospital in Boston in 2006 i have said i will return for a visit and this weekend i got invited to stay with friends that live just 5 miles from the hospital so i mad my pilgrimage to the pilgrim, it was quite strange pulling in to the car park looking up at the building nothing had changed and i remembered exactly where the maternity wing was as i walked closer i got a bit emotional it was like it was only yesterday pickle was born, it was the happiest moment of my life when issabelle came into the world, holding her for the first time the bond was instant i was over whelmed by the love i felt for her, i could really ramble on here about my perfect little angel but I'm sure anyone that knows me, knows exactly how i feel about pickle, :) pickle has been to her friend Ellie's birthday party today i cant wait to speak with her and to hear how much fun it was and I'm looking forward to getting some pictures of pickle all dressed up playing with her friends, pickles invite for Maya's party has arrived in the post she has asked if i would buy her the same dress as belle from beauty and the beast to wear to Maya's so on Saturday we are going shopping for Maya's pressie and pickle's dress, i cant wait....

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