Tuesday 25 January 2011


As soon as pickle woke she asked if we could go to Maya's party, i told her we had a few hours before it was party time besides we still had to go get a present for her, yay pickle said, then she asked what are we going to get for Maya, i don't know, lets go to the shop and have a look i said, she gave me a kiss and a hug and went down stairs to nanny, when i came down pickle had finished her breakfast and was making a birthday card using a craft kit i had bought her it was pink and glittery with cute stickers on it, it was much nicer than one we could have got from a shop, i got pickle dressed and we went to the shops pickle chose a fluffy little whit puppy in a bag for Maya, when we got back pickle wanted to put on her party dress so while i changed her nanny wrapped the present, pickle put on a beautiful pink dress she looked like a princess, Liz drove pickle nanny and i to the party as soon as we walked in we spotted Jacob then we saw Maya and Isla and belle auntie Karen uncle Richie, pickle gave Maya her present and said happy birthday then all ov them ran to the play area and they went through the tunnels up the ladders and down the slides they dived in the ball bit with uncle Richie and threw loads of balls at him after a while a loud horn blew and it was time to go and eat the kids all lined up and made there way into another room full of balloons and yummy party food, they all tucked in and then Maya's birthday cake was bought out every one sang happy birthday and Maya blew her candles out, every one had so much fun that the time passed in a flash, it was time for pickle and me to go catch our train back to Sheffield, i thought pickle would sleep on the train but she wanted to watch snow buddies a film about puppies she sat on my lap most of the way back and we talked about the great time we had, I wish every day was like that,....

Monday 24 January 2011


Met pickle at the train station Friday and was greeted with a huge smile and a big hug and a kiss, pickle said bye bye to mummy and we boarded the train, we had the whole carriage to our self's so pickle could watch her DVD with the volume as loud as she wanted,we changed trains it London and had almost reached Nanny's, pickle was a bit restless as its a long journey and was walking round the carriage i decided to hide from her and jump out when she got close, as i ducked down behind the seat i bashed my eye on the window frame just as pickle got back to the seat there was blood running down my face so i quickly made a joke about it so pickle didn't worry i laughed and said silly daddy just bumped his head pickle laughed to and called me silly daddy, I'm so glad the sight of blood didn't upset her, nanny and Liz met us at the station we decided to head straight back to Nanny's so i could clean up and see if it would be necessary to get a stitch put in, when we got there i cleaned up while pickle and nanny when to see the rabbits then pickle got out her painting stuff and did some pictures, then i sat at the table with her and we did puzzles of Disney princesses pickle is getting very good at putting the puzzles together, we had pizza and dough balls for tea then watched Cinderella on TV when it was time for bed i read pickle the storey of Rapunzel and she fell asleep in my arms,
next morning Sarah and Jacob were round early to collect pickle and go to the cimela, nanny and i planned to take pickle to kids space after the cimela and we spoke to auntie Karen and Sam about going and they said they would come and bring Annabelle and grace to pickle was very excited about it, we all met up at kids space and the girls had a great time, its such a popular place there are always loads of kids there the girls were playing on the huge climbing frame while nanny Karen Sam and i had a coffee after a bit we got the girls to come back to the table and we all had lunch then they were off again i went with pickle and grace over to the go karts it was a long Que but they didn't mind waiting pickle and grace where racing some over kids round the track they both started at the back but over took the other kids and ended in front pickle loves rides she gets to drive on and i love seeing her having fun on them, it was getting late so we went back to the table pickle and grace where playing with belle in the toddlers section when it was time to leave we spotted pickle and grace but belle had disappeared we all went in search of her and finally Karen found her, she gave us quite a scare poor Karen was shaking, the girls all enjoyed kids space and I'm sure are looking forward to going again, we all said good by and pickle nanny and i headed back to nanny's, pickle played with her barbie dolls while nanny made tea , after tea pickle put her pj's on and we watched tv for a bit before heading up to bed it was still quite early but pickle wanted to get up in the morning to go and buy a present for Maya's birthday so i read her a story...

Sunday 16 January 2011

pilgrimage to the pilgrim

I have just got back from Boston the place of pickle's birth, ever since pickle was born at the Pilgrim hospital in Boston in 2006 i have said i will return for a visit and this weekend i got invited to stay with friends that live just 5 miles from the hospital so i mad my pilgrimage to the pilgrim, it was quite strange pulling in to the car park looking up at the building nothing had changed and i remembered exactly where the maternity wing was as i walked closer i got a bit emotional it was like it was only yesterday pickle was born, it was the happiest moment of my life when issabelle came into the world, holding her for the first time the bond was instant i was over whelmed by the love i felt for her, i could really ramble on here about my perfect little angel but I'm sure anyone that knows me, knows exactly how i feel about pickle, :) pickle has been to her friend Ellie's birthday party today i cant wait to speak with her and to hear how much fun it was and I'm looking forward to getting some pictures of pickle all dressed up playing with her friends, pickles invite for Maya's party has arrived in the post she has asked if i would buy her the same dress as belle from beauty and the beast to wear to Maya's so on Saturday we are going shopping for Maya's pressie and pickle's dress, i cant wait....

Thursday 13 January 2011

Spoke to pickle yesterday, she was in a chatty mood, that always puts a smile on my face, pickle was watching her tinker belle DVD waiting for her tea, we talked about the weekend, we wont be seeing each other this weekend as pickle has a her friend Ellie's birthday party to go to and next weekend pickle is going to Maya's party, pickle is excited about going to them so we have swapped weekends round so she doesn't miss either party, it means i wont have seen her for 3 weeks :( but ill only have a week to wait after Maya's party to see pickle again :) so it evens its self out, pickle and i where meant to be going to the cinema then kids space this Saturday with Jacob and auntie Sarah, nanny told Sarah about the change in weekends and Sarah said its OK we can all still go the weekend after, so pickle was very happy about that, i have promised pickle she could go to Disney land she would like to go to the one in the USA but it would have to be Paris as daddy cant afford America at the moment, maybe next year it would be great if pickle could meet up with my friend Paula and Chris's little girls, pickle was making me laugh she kept saying "do you know what" in the middle of a conversation and i would say, no, what pickle, then she would say i love you very very much.

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Thinking about you always, love you pickle X

Just spoke to pickle , been missing her a lot the last couple of days, it was wonderful having pickle with me last week we had so much fun, so when she goes back i feel a bit lost but chatting to her on the phone has lifted me back up she was happy and chatty and looking forward to coming back down and to Maya's birthday party, we where trying to decide what present to get for Maya pickle has suggested toy story 3 dvd so we are going to go pressie shopping next time pickle is down, nearly forgot she is also going to her friend Ellie's birthday party the week before, pickle loves a party :)

Saturday 1 January 2011

wow the first day 2011....

Pickle and i got to spend the first day of 2011 together :) Jacob stayed last night and he is notorious for getting up early so there was no surprise when he was awake before 7am oh joy.. somehow after breakfast Jacob managed to knock the xmas tree down so nanny decided it was a good time take the decorations down i took the tree into the garden and pickle and Jake helped pack away the lights and balls, then we all cleaned Ellie, Sophie and fizz's cage pickle told Jacob about pepper her favourite ginuipig that died but is OK because pepper is in heaven, i had a lump in my throat listening to pickle tell Jake, after we finished everyone started turning up for dinner i think there was about 12 of us to many to fit round the table so pickle, Annabelle Jacob and i had ours in the living room nanny's dinner was scrumy so was the apple crumble and ice cream for dessert after we cleaned up pickle asked if i could build a camp from cushions and sheets, we haven't done that for ages so i got all the cushions off the sofa and build them a camp then Maya isla and there mummy Sarah came round the kids all wrecked the camp in no time and where just diving on to the pill of cushions they all had a nutty hyper run around then watched toy story 3, every one has gone home now but before Maya left she reminded pickle about her birthday party later this month pickle got excited she loves a party. pickle is fast asleep now its been a great day,