Wednesday 16 June 2010

what a great day, Issy's pony arrived this morning bought over by the young girl that had owned him and her mum there were a few tears as they said good bye but they were happy that his new home was nice and that he would be loved and looked after, the meeting between Angie the horse and the new pony went well witch was a relief, after i was sure he was happy in his new home i set off for Sheffield to meat the head mistress of a school i was viewing to see if it was somewhere Issy would like to go to school, it turned out to be every thing i could have asked for i spent an hour with the head and i was very impressed, i think Issy will love it there as the pupils get to do ballet every week oh and the uniform is pink, when i got back i spent the afternoon with sugar getting to know him i cant wait till Issy meets him on Friday, after feeding sugar and putting him in his stable for the evening i fed all the other animals, made my own tea and am now on the sofa watching TV with Morris the Yorkie laying next to me..

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