Saturday 5 June 2010

I got to pick Issy up early this weekend, i love the school holidays as i get to spend more time with pickle, on the way home we stumbled across an amusement park near to our house so we stopped and went in side, we only had an hour before it closed but that was enough time to go on several rides and to see that it was a great place to visit when pickle is with me, Friday morning we set of down to Nanny's, i tried a new route that didn't turn out so well luckily pickle slept for a large part of the drive, when we arrived nanny was waiting Issy ran to her giving nanny a big hug and telling nanny she loved her a million pound and had missed her, we dropped off our bags and grabbed pickles swimming costume and towel and went round to Annabelle's and auntie Karen's the girls played in the paddling pool in the garden all afternoon it was such a beautiful sunny day, after we all went to a restaurant and uncle Richie and Roxanne and Si came to, its Derby day at Epsom so I'm taking pickle to see the horses and the fun fair then later Sarah is coming over with Jacob,

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