Monday 26 April 2010

new pictures of pickle

I received 3 lovely pictures of pickle today. i miss her so much and i cant wait to see her when i get home, sadly it will only be a short visit as pickle has her friend Millie's birthday party to go to on Sunday then a ballet exam on Monday, i wish i could be there to see her having fun. ill be excited waiting for the pictures to arrive.
This week i am moving in to a new house closer to pickle i cant wait to see her face when she See's her new bedroom and meets the animals 3 sheep 1 goat 6 chickens 1 horse 1 dog and lots of wild rabbits she will love it especially when we add another dog she has asked me to get a dog called princess as she already has a dog called prince and a white pony called sugar and some guinea pigs and rabbits wow looking at it written down like that i realise I'm gonna have my hands full just looking after the pets, But it will be worth it. It will be Issy's own little farm. I will be wishing for Friday to come round fast so i can pick her up and bring her to the new place for a couple of days, then ill take pickle to nanny's where we have a week of fun lined up it will be so much fun i cant wait :)

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