Friday 30 April 2010


Wow its been a long couple of days. I'm back in the UK after a good flight from LA i went to Nanny's to give her a hug and pick up the car then drove to Sheffield after traveling about 24 hours i arrived there late last night so was ready for sleep. I want to thank a very special person for her help with getting my flight changed and for the wonderful time we had together. THANK U Mindi, Monday we spent the day at Santa Monica beach, after exercising on the stairs we walk along the beach to the pier, as we walked i realised that this was where pickle first walked on sand i remember the day so well her face was a picture it made us laugh she wanted to get of as quick as she could and now she loves to play in the sand, I picked Issy up this morning she gave me a big hug and kisses and said i love you so much and i miss you daddy my heart melted as i held her in my arms, we then set off back to Nanny's luckily the journey there and back was traffic free so made good time, nanny was waiting at the door when we arrived Issy got so excited to see her after more hugging and kissing Annabelle pickle cousin turned up with her mum and we went to the park, the girls are sat eating Pizza and dough balls at the moment pickle looks tired so i think ill be reading her a story and putting her to bed soon. no words can adequately describe what it means to me to have my pickle with me, nothing else compares, Issabelle is my world

Tuesday 27 April 2010

looking forward to our phone call

Its already tuesday in the UK that means i should get to speak to pickle today yay i cant wait its been 5 days since we last spoke and i miss her so much, in fact the first thing i do when i meet new people is show them pics of issy, every one who sees her says she is gorgeous i got so emotional showing her picture to someone today that i started to cry nearly doing it now..
i saw some really cute tops today and had to get issy and brookie one each, having a great time with me friends in LA and made some new friends to but im ready to go home i need to be with pickle....

Monday 26 April 2010

new pictures of pickle

I received 3 lovely pictures of pickle today. i miss her so much and i cant wait to see her when i get home, sadly it will only be a short visit as pickle has her friend Millie's birthday party to go to on Sunday then a ballet exam on Monday, i wish i could be there to see her having fun. ill be excited waiting for the pictures to arrive.
This week i am moving in to a new house closer to pickle i cant wait to see her face when she See's her new bedroom and meets the animals 3 sheep 1 goat 6 chickens 1 horse 1 dog and lots of wild rabbits she will love it especially when we add another dog she has asked me to get a dog called princess as she already has a dog called prince and a white pony called sugar and some guinea pigs and rabbits wow looking at it written down like that i realise I'm gonna have my hands full just looking after the pets, But it will be worth it. It will be Issy's own little farm. I will be wishing for Friday to come round fast so i can pick her up and bring her to the new place for a couple of days, then ill take pickle to nanny's where we have a week of fun lined up it will be so much fun i cant wait :)

Thursday 22 April 2010

:) just had my call with pickle she was happy playing in the garden with prince the chiwawa so got to speak to Brooke Issys 11 year old sister she kindly relayed messages from me to issy while issy bounced on the trampoline with prince Brooke was laughing at prince being bounced around, it was good to here them having fun.
Its Thursday so should get to speak to pickle today i cant wait as im missing her so much i have even tried to change my flight and go back to UK early so i can see her, but because of the volcano in Iceland there are no available flights :( but ill keep trying pickle bum

My first post !

This is my first post, so incase your wondering what my blog is about ill explain, my name is Ian and i am the father of Issabelle or Pickle lilly she is my 3 year old daughter Issy is a beautiful precocious child, with the sunniest disposition she wants to be friends with every one, she will share her toys with out hesitation i know i'm bias but i truly have been blessed, Issy is an angel. This blog is a journal, a diary, a scrap book of my life and adventures with pickle that i can share with her as she gets older, That she will be able to look at and remember the fun times we had. Although im starting this blog now when she is already 3 years 6 monthes old ill be posting memories and pictures from the time she was conceived to the moment she was bourn and all the time between then and now.

At this moment i im in LA visiting my good friends Tony & Jordan getting some much needed R&R to re charge my batteries, after a difficult 3 months i had lost touch with the person that i am and need to re connect and this trip and being with my friends is doing the trick, we've been to Vegas and skiing at big bear, tried sushi for the first time and been hanging out and partying with some great people, im missing pickle so so much but i know when i go home and see her i will be in a much better place physically and mentally witch will be better for us both.