Tuesday 7 December 2010

Well its been a while. but i am seeing pickle again we met at Sheffield stn the look on pickle face melted my heart she ran straight into my arms and we cuddled as we told each other i love you and iv missed you i gave pickle a fury whit hat i had bought and we headed for the train and London to help pass the time on the train we watched dvds and before we knew it we were in London then a quick change of train to nanny's, nanny was waiting at the door when we arrived it was so good to see her as she had been in hospital and i wasn't sure she would be home in time for pickles visit, pickle gave nanny a big hug and a kiss, nanny made us some tea then we went into the garden to see fizz, Ellie and Sophie, nanny had bought a barbie doll with a swimming pool and her own doggies pickle loved it and asked me to fill the pool with water she played with it all evening winding up one of the doggies tails so it could swim in the pool pickle gave me one of her other barbies and asked me to play to. a bit later when pickle was tired she asked if she could go to bed i asked if she would like a story read and she said yes could nanny read it, so nanny to her up and read her a story, in less than 15 minutes Issy was fast asleep,
the next morning after breakfast, nanny asked pickle if she would like to come shopping with her, auntie Liz and Sarah, so we all got ready and headed to Kingston and the shops pickle brought her pushchair and dolls with her, in the main shopping center there where some real reindeer's pickle got up on my shoulders to get a better look as it was very busy that day. we stopped at boots and got pickle a special sandwich its one of her favourite things to eat then we looked around for a bit, Sarah wanted to buy some make up so while she was trying some out pickle got in the chair and asked if she could have some, so Liz put a tiny bit of lip gloss on and pickle was happy, when we got home uncle dick came round with pickles cousin Annabelle and auntie Sarah came round with Jacob nanny did them all pizza and dough balls then they watched a film pickle asked me to read her a bed time story when it was time to go up it felt so good to hold her while she listened to the story and fell asleep in my arms.
we don't have much time in the morning before we have to head back to Sheffield so after breakfast pickle went so see fizz, Ellie Sophie, Montana, Floyd, Rafferty, jack, and lulu she played with lulu for a bit with some peacock feathers auntie Sarah had given her, pickle thought it was great fun when lulu tried to get the feathers, it was a lovely weekend and so great seeing my little princess :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey! It's Liz! Was lovely seeing you both this weekend and decorating the tree! It's nice she is getting to spend time with the other children again, as they really miss her when she's not here!

    Looking forward to seeing Issy over Chritmas!

    Auntie Lizzie x
