Sunday 12 December 2010

Pickle's birthday party

Well there wasn't a lot of time to organise pickle's birthday party so i want to thank every one who helped and attended from nanny Steph, Liz, Sarah and Jacob, Sarah, Isla and Maya, Karen, Dick and Annabelle, Grace, Alicia, Bailly and James, The coach picked us up at about 12:30 and headed in to London and winter wonderland at Hyde park, when we got there it was very busy we decided to all eat before looking around so we found a place to sit down and got hot dogs and chips then we walked around looking at the stools selling everything from sweets to hats i bought pickle a fluffy elephant hat, she looks so cute in it, then all the kids wanted to go on the rides its a great place with lots of rides for young children so the went on merry go rounds and the penguins then we qued to see Santa but by this time it was pretty cold so we gave the kids a choice and they decided to go on more rides instead of waiting another 30 mins for Santa, don't blame them it was pretty cold to wait around so they all chose a few more rides they wanted to go on then before we knew it, it was 5:00 and time to go back to the coach, when we got home Nanny had laid out all the party food, balloons and presents every one tucked into the food and nanny bought in pickle's birthday cake every one sang happy birthday and pickle blew out the candles.
seeing pickle smiling having fun is the best feeling in the world so seeing her face as she started unwrapping her presents was amazing she got some great things like a barbie with a horse, shop till and lots of other things and pickle's present from me was a pink bike as soon as she unwrapped it she tried to ride it round the house then she let Annabelle sit on it and some of the others to they all played with pickles toys for a bit before watching the fireworks that dick and i were letting of in the garden while they all stayed in the warm looking through the window, all to quickly the day had passed and it was time for pickles friends to go home and pickles bed time, as i got pickle ready for bed she gave me a big hug and a kiss she told me she had a great day and loved her presents, we jumped into bed and i read pickle a story but had only gotten a couple of pages into it when she said you can turn out the light now daddy i want to go to sleep so i did, pickle gave me a big cuddle and a kiss and told me she Love's me then went to sleep.
the next morning before heading back up to Sheffield, after pickle had fed fizz, Sophie and Ellie i took her out on her bike, she looked great in her matching pink helmet and was able to ride her bike really well. i cant wait till pickle next comes down and i can take her to the park on her bike.....


  1. As usual it was lovely to see you both this weekend, and we're looking forward to seeing again at Christmas. It was nice to have you an extra day, so we could go out for Baeli's birthday. All the family were there and we had a lovely time. Issy had a lovely time playing with the children. Love you both lot's! Nanny Steph xxx

  2. What a great night we had for Baeli's birthday, thank you to you and little Pickle for coming along and making it so special. Baeli loved his till, but I think I like it even more because it has pretend Marks and Spencers food :) very good taste!! We have been playing shops all week and I have to go out of the room and dress up as a different character everytime I come back in, Baeli chuckles away. I cannot believe what they did to that poor Rory the Racing car cake, but they really enjoyed making a mess of it and that was the main thing. Hope Pickle enjoyed her party bag, I heard about her pink bath :))) Cant wait to see you guys over xmas were going to take the kiddies to the cinema. lots of love and hugs always xxx Alisha and Baeli-Oliver xxx

  3. Thank you for inviting us to Pickles 4th Birthday at The Winter Wonderland, hope she had a truly amazing day and loved her Barbie Pony Baeli bought her :)) Really looking forward to seeing you both over the xmas period. xxx Alisha and Baeli-Oliver xxx
