Friday 31 December 2010

New years eve with Pickle

Snuggled up with pickle on the sofa watching beauty & the beast Jacob is on the other sofa with nanny we've had a great time today at chessington world of adventures with Annabelle, Karen, Sarah, Maya and isla, Liz, Jacob, pickle and i, even though the rides where still closed we had a great time looking at the animals we saw the lions and the tigers, meercats, sea lions and the petting zoo that had goats and chickens, the kids didn't seem to bothered that the rides were not running, when they asked i said i would take them all again another day when they could go on the rides they wear happy with that, after we had been in sea world we had dinner in the canteen you only pay once and just keep filling your plate they polished off quite a lot of pizza's, we are hopping to go bowling tomorrow before we have our new years roast that is if the place is open if its not we will go to the park to feed the ducks and squirrels and pickle can ride her bike....

Thursday 30 December 2010

Had a great day at at a fantastic place called kids space it was the first time pickle and i had been there and we both thought it was great we went with auntie Sarah and Jacob there are loads of things for the kids to do, climbing frames, go karts, sponge ball cannons, slides, a rock climbing wall, trampolines, and a pretty good cafe, pickle and Jacob where in there element with so much to do and i knew it wouldn't be long before pickle got me on the climbing frame up ladders through tunnels down slides i had to keep asking pickle to slow down i couldn't keep up with her, think my new years resolution should be to diet. in the after noon the staff put music on and get all the kids up to dance for a bit pickle loves to dance it was great watching her and all the other children dancing to the YMCA got some nice pictures, maybe pickle will sleep at a sensible time tonight :)

Monday 27 December 2010

Pickle and i had a much deserved lie in this morning, i woke first and lay in bed just watching pickle sleep, when she woke pickle wanted to go open her presents so i grabbed the video camera and we went down stairs, pickle started unwrapping while i filmed her and nanny took some pictures it was great seeing the expressions on her face as she unwrapped each one, i admit i have spoiled her a bit this Christmas but pickle totally deserves it she has been sooo good, a real angel through a difficult time, pickle loved the easel nanny and Liz got her and the zhu zhu pets that i got for her actually she liked all her presents but it would take ages to list them all lol, once pickle had opened them i set up the zhu zhu pets home while pickle did paintings with nanny then while her paintings where drying we played with the little furry zhu zhu's pickle loved watching them whizz round there tunnels, and i loved her paintings i now have something of pickles to put on the walls and fridge at home :) in the afternoon pickle went to the shops with nanny and got pizza and dough balls for her tea, when it was time for bed pickle asked if she could watch a dvd so i put one on and we jumped into bed pickle said i love you daddy and lay on my chest to watch her film it reminded me of when she was tiny and would lay on me sleeping it was a perfect end to a lovely day......

Yay, collected pickle yesterday and headed down, went straight to uncle dicks for tea and to see pickles cousins aunties and uncles
pickle had a great time playing with annabelle and grace it was so good to see her laughing and playing, karen and dick had layed on a really nice spread that every one tucked into, pickle got to open a couple of her presents there and one more when we got back to nannies as it was late i asked pickle to wait till morning before opening the rest, nanny read pickle a story then we went to bed it was so nice to have pickle snuggling up to me in bed :)

Saturday 25 December 2010


Its christmas day and were apart but know that i love you with all of my heart,

know that i think of you every second of the day and i miss you more than words can say,

your my picklelilly my pooy pants my princess my angel you make my soul dance,

with you in my world i know that im blessed,

picklelilly you are the best.

nanny and every one cant wait to see you tomorrow and spend time with you pickle :)

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Had a terrific weekend with pickle was able to collect her a little earlier than usual and the few extra hours make a big difference,Friday when we are still usually on the train we where out shopping with nanny pickle needed some new bits as she is growing so fast stuff she has hardly worn is already to small for her, and anyone that knows pickle knows she loves to shop for clothes, wonder where she gets that from :) we stopped at Costa nanny loves coffee and pickle had juice and muffin then we went in search of a present for Baeli's pickle's little friend who's birthday party were going to later, after going to a few different shops we found our self's in the early learning center and pickle bought baeli a shop till with money a credit card a basket full of groceries pickle thinks its a great toy so hope baeli does to, after shopping we went back to nanny's and wrapped the present and pickle wrote a birthday card to, pickle and i watched toy story 3 then it was time to get ready to go to baeli's birthday at pizza express pickle wanted to wear her captain scarlet dress and her black boots, she loves dressing up. when we got there they had a big long table reserved for us with balloons tied to the chairs, it was baeli's 3rd birthday and when he arrived his face was a picture he looked a little bit over whelmed but he was quickly running around with the other kids, pickle had dough balls and pizza surprise surprise after we had finished eating Alisha brought out baeli's birthday cake it was a Rory the racing car cake and we all sang happy birthday to baeli for some reason baeli pickle and Jacob thought it was great to poke cocktail sticks into the cake after 5 minutes the car looked like it had been in a crash, when we got home pickle said she had a great time, i took her up to bed and read her a story and she gave me a kiss and a cuddle and said nyt nyt.
on Saturday after breakfast pickle and i took nanny out to get a Christmas tree we found a beautiful one at a garden center and luckily was able to just about get it into the car pickle helped nanny and auntie Liz decorate the tree and she asked nanny to put the presents under it.
after dinner i asked pickle if she wanted to go out on her bike she got excited and asked if we could take it to the park so i put the bike in the car and we headed off to the park we parked up and got the bike out pickle put on her pink helmet and got on her bike we followed the path into the park and after a while we got to a play ground pickle wanted to stay on her bike and go further into the park went a bit further and saw lots of squirrels with people feeding them pickle said she wanted to feed them but i had forgotten to bring any food for them, a woman standing close by heard pickle and asked her if she would like some nuts for the squirrels pickle said yes please and the lady gave her a hand full of nuts she put them in the pouch on the front of of the bike, pickle held a couple out for the squirrels but kept dropping them as the squirrels approached i said hold on to them and they will take them from your hand so she did and one came right up to her and took a nut from pickles hand pickle made sure she had given all the nuts she had out to the squirrels before we moved on pickle wanted to see the waterfall with the ducks when we got there we saw lots of ducks and some beautiful swans, pickle asked if we could go back to the play ground so that's where we went she went on the swings and slides and played in a castle with me then she played with to little girls on a climbing frame after a bit i said its time to go now it'll be dark soon so pickle rode her bike back to the car and we set off back to nanny's i asked pickle what she wanted for tea and she said mcd's and she insisted we go through the drive through, it was a great day..

Sunday 12 December 2010

Pickle's birthday party

Well there wasn't a lot of time to organise pickle's birthday party so i want to thank every one who helped and attended from nanny Steph, Liz, Sarah and Jacob, Sarah, Isla and Maya, Karen, Dick and Annabelle, Grace, Alicia, Bailly and James, The coach picked us up at about 12:30 and headed in to London and winter wonderland at Hyde park, when we got there it was very busy we decided to all eat before looking around so we found a place to sit down and got hot dogs and chips then we walked around looking at the stools selling everything from sweets to hats i bought pickle a fluffy elephant hat, she looks so cute in it, then all the kids wanted to go on the rides its a great place with lots of rides for young children so the went on merry go rounds and the penguins then we qued to see Santa but by this time it was pretty cold so we gave the kids a choice and they decided to go on more rides instead of waiting another 30 mins for Santa, don't blame them it was pretty cold to wait around so they all chose a few more rides they wanted to go on then before we knew it, it was 5:00 and time to go back to the coach, when we got home Nanny had laid out all the party food, balloons and presents every one tucked into the food and nanny bought in pickle's birthday cake every one sang happy birthday and pickle blew out the candles.
seeing pickle smiling having fun is the best feeling in the world so seeing her face as she started unwrapping her presents was amazing she got some great things like a barbie with a horse, shop till and lots of other things and pickle's present from me was a pink bike as soon as she unwrapped it she tried to ride it round the house then she let Annabelle sit on it and some of the others to they all played with pickles toys for a bit before watching the fireworks that dick and i were letting of in the garden while they all stayed in the warm looking through the window, all to quickly the day had passed and it was time for pickles friends to go home and pickles bed time, as i got pickle ready for bed she gave me a big hug and a kiss she told me she had a great day and loved her presents, we jumped into bed and i read pickle a story but had only gotten a couple of pages into it when she said you can turn out the light now daddy i want to go to sleep so i did, pickle gave me a big cuddle and a kiss and told me she Love's me then went to sleep.
the next morning before heading back up to Sheffield, after pickle had fed fizz, Sophie and Ellie i took her out on her bike, she looked great in her matching pink helmet and was able to ride her bike really well. i cant wait till pickle next comes down and i can take her to the park on her bike.....

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Well its been a while. but i am seeing pickle again we met at Sheffield stn the look on pickle face melted my heart she ran straight into my arms and we cuddled as we told each other i love you and iv missed you i gave pickle a fury whit hat i had bought and we headed for the train and London to help pass the time on the train we watched dvds and before we knew it we were in London then a quick change of train to nanny's, nanny was waiting at the door when we arrived it was so good to see her as she had been in hospital and i wasn't sure she would be home in time for pickles visit, pickle gave nanny a big hug and a kiss, nanny made us some tea then we went into the garden to see fizz, Ellie and Sophie, nanny had bought a barbie doll with a swimming pool and her own doggies pickle loved it and asked me to fill the pool with water she played with it all evening winding up one of the doggies tails so it could swim in the pool pickle gave me one of her other barbies and asked me to play to. a bit later when pickle was tired she asked if she could go to bed i asked if she would like a story read and she said yes could nanny read it, so nanny to her up and read her a story, in less than 15 minutes Issy was fast asleep,
the next morning after breakfast, nanny asked pickle if she would like to come shopping with her, auntie Liz and Sarah, so we all got ready and headed to Kingston and the shops pickle brought her pushchair and dolls with her, in the main shopping center there where some real reindeer's pickle got up on my shoulders to get a better look as it was very busy that day. we stopped at boots and got pickle a special sandwich its one of her favourite things to eat then we looked around for a bit, Sarah wanted to buy some make up so while she was trying some out pickle got in the chair and asked if she could have some, so Liz put a tiny bit of lip gloss on and pickle was happy, when we got home uncle dick came round with pickles cousin Annabelle and auntie Sarah came round with Jacob nanny did them all pizza and dough balls then they watched a film pickle asked me to read her a bed time story when it was time to go up it felt so good to hold her while she listened to the story and fell asleep in my arms.
we don't have much time in the morning before we have to head back to Sheffield so after breakfast pickle went so see fizz, Ellie Sophie, Montana, Floyd, Rafferty, jack, and lulu she played with lulu for a bit with some peacock feathers auntie Sarah had given her, pickle thought it was great fun when lulu tried to get the feathers, it was a lovely weekend and so great seeing my little princess :)