Thursday 13 October 2011

Madame Tussauds

Had a really great day out in London with Pickle, nanny & Liz on Saturday we went to Madame Tussuad's, cant believe how life like some of the wax works are, had a great picture done of pickle jumping into my arms, made to look like a Warhol picture, and took pics with Cheryl Cole and jack sparrow, there was a great taxi ride that took you through much of the history of London pickle rode with nanny, i got a taxi with Liz, near the end of the tour we went to see a 3D super hero movie and it was great not only was it 3D but the chairs moved and vibrated and air and water jets mad you feel like you were really in the movie, pickle loved it she said the movie and the taxi ride were her favourite bits, after Madame Tussuad's we went to the south bank to eat, it was such a lovely day, after tea me and pickle got in our Pj's and watched a movie and ate pop corn, pickle loves pop corn, then we got into bed and i read her story's from the books she bought from school, Sunday morning pickle asked if she could ride her bike to the park so we got it out of the garage and she put her safety helmet on and we went to the park, pickle asked if i thought it would be long before she could take the stabilizers off, i said i didn't think it would be long and then we could go riding together, after the park it was time to get the train so we said bye bye to nanny and set off.

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