Wednesday 21 July 2010

i spoke to pickle after she had been to nursery, she asked if we could go see nanny again this weekend but not sure if i can afford it this weekend, and sarah has booked a holiday for us leaving the following weekend to majorca so pickle will get to spend time with nanny and jacob then, im going to sleep in pickles bed again tonight i seem to sleep better in there, :)

Monday 19 July 2010

its Monday and as usual I'm feeling pretty low, i miss pickle so much and now i am worrying about my mum she is not well and will need to go into hospital for an operation soon, i am sleeping in pickles bed tonight it helps me feel close to her, i hope she is in a talkative mood tomorrow when we have our phone call i am so looking forward to hearing her voice, i will do my best to stay positive for pickle and for nanny knowing we have so much to look forward to......

Sunday 18 July 2010

picked pickle up from nursery she rushed over, hugged and kissed me i told pickle we where going to London on the train she looked happy about that, don't think she likes my car much, she was excited about showing me what was in her bag she had baked me and nanny a cake and she had a get well card for nanny to, we said good bye to her teachers( i think i fancy her teacher Katie ) and the children and set of for the train station, wow the train journey was so much better than the car we went 1st class and got big comfy reclining seats a table with a plug socket a regular supply of tea or coffee cakes biscuits and water. and a clean loo, its the train from now on, Sarah and Jacob picked us up from station and took us to Nanny's, nanny mad tea Issy's fav dough balls and pizza, then Jacob and Issy played in the garden.
after breakfast me pickle and nanny went to the park we played on the swings and slides for a bit then went into town pickle wanted a doll to go in the push chair Jamie-lee had given her so we looked in a few shops before finding a cute doll in tk max Issy also spotted a lovely dress and asked if she could have it, it was so pretty and she is growing out of her clothes so fast i said OK,we then went to a coffee shop me and nanny had coffee while pickle had a strawberry cup cake, we sat out side in the sunshine and pickle spotted a merry go round so when Lizzie and Sarah turned up i took pickle on the ride, on the way home we stopped at the park again then i got my hair trimmed while pickle and nanny went home, pickle was playing on the trampoline next door with Jamie-lee when i got back. pickle nanny and me were getting ready to go out for a meal and James, Keith, lizz Sarah rox, and sie joined us we went to an Italian place called prezzo it was really nice and the food was great, will definitely go there again, cant believe how quick the time has passed will have to take Issy back tomorrow, i wish she could live with me, i love and miss her so much when we are apart, after i read her a story and she is asleep i lay there just watching her, she is so beautiful so perfect and i am so blessed to have her in my life, we are going to have such amazing adventures together....

Thursday 15 July 2010

its almost the weekend just 14 hours till i go get Issy, we are going down to Nanny's on the train i figure its got to be better than the drive, nanny is in hospital at the moment so pickle is going to look after her, oh and pickle told me she baked me a cake today, i cant wait to see her :)

Sunday 11 July 2010

Hmmm I'm well and truly behind with my up dates, its Sunday and i have dropped pickle off and driven down to Nanny's after having 3 extended weekend this one was back to the usual Friday to Sunday and it went by so fast, i picked Issy up from nursery Friday she asked if we were going to Nanny's like we had done for the last few weeks pickle said she wanted to see nanny, Jacob, and Jamie-lee i was worried that when i told her we were spending the weekend at daddy's she would be upset but she was OK about it she was looking forward to seeing sugar her pony and all the other animals, on the way home we stopped at sainsburys and pickle help me do the shopping after we got hoe and put the shopping away we said hello to all the pets then i asked her what she felt like doing she asked if she could go to the sandpit park so that's where we went, but when we arrived there was only 1 little boy and his grandad there but that didn't bother pickle she still wanted to stay, we played for about an hour then walked around the old town and market before heading home after tea we spoke to nanny on skype witch she really liked as she can see nanny as well as talk, when we went to bed pickle asked if she could watch Aristocats for the millionth time lol but 20 minutes into it she said turn it off daddy i want to sleep so we cuddled up and went to sleep, in the morning after breakfast we headed of to the fun fair after going on the merry go round and a couple of other rides pickle wanted to play in the water its a part of the park where jets of water shoot out of the ground its so simple and the kids love it i sat on the grass and watched pickle play with the other kids for an hour and a half before she asked to get dry and go eat, watching pickle having fun is heaven to me me, after we at we went to the indoor play area because she is not quite 1.1 meters tall i have to go on with her she ran me ragged come on daddy this way come on daddy down the slide we had a great time there then we headed into town for ice cream and i bought Issy a book and a little plastic golf set to play with in the garden before we could go home pickle asked to go back to the sand pit park this time it was full of kids so she played their for a while when we got home we went on skype again to speak to nanny this time Jacob was there Issy loved that they chatted while i made tea, before i knew it it was Sunday and we only had a few hours left so pickle helped clean out the pets then we saddled up sugar and Issy rode her pony for a bit before i took her back to Sheffield, its only been a few hours but i already miss her so much. i love you pickle xx