Thursday 29 September 2011

What do we say when we have a nice day? HOORAH Pickles face was a picture when she came out of school Friday and saw nanny waiting for her, she ran to nanny and gave her a big kiss and cuddle,pickle loves her nanny steph so much, we headed for the train station and got the train home, when we got to nanny's Jacob was waiting for us, nanny looked exhausted from traveling to Sheffield and back in one day, so i suggested Jacob have a sleep over at mine with Issy. pickle and Jake liked the sound of that so we went home all got in our PJ's, made some pop corn and put a movie on after we had stuffed our faces and watched the movie i put pickle and Jake to bed, but before they would sleep they wanted to know what we would be doing the next day, so i suggested we head to London go on a duck tour (its an amphibious bus that takes you round London then drives into the river and becomes a boat) pickle and Jake were very excited about doing that, so in the morning we got ready and headed to the train station, on the way we stopped at nanny's to tell her what we had planned, when we got to London we walked towards the EYE and we saw the the duck tour vehicles Issy and Jake wanted to get straight on one but we had to go buy tickets first, we got on our tour bus it was called Mistress quickly and set of round London sight seeing, then after about an hour we drove down a ramp straight into the river Thames with a big splash Issy and Jake thought it was so cool, after the tour finished we went to eat on the south bank at a place called giraffe Issy and Jake got a balloon each and let them go half way across the millennium bridge, as we walked across the bridge we spotted a load of broken skate boards below it was cemetery where kids chucked there boards when they were broken, we carried on walking to covent garden and look at all the street performers, time was getting on and i had to get Jake back, to go to his dads so we hired a rickshaw to take us pickle and Jake liked that as much as the tour, we all had such a great time and all shouted HOORAH

Thursday 22 September 2011

Had a big smile all day, thinking about picking Issy up tomorrow, i cant wait to see her and get one of her super big hugs and a kiss, I've got a surprise for her tomorrow cant wait to see her face when she See's it, ill try and get a picture and post it on here,i love you princess and i cant wait to have you with me for the weekend, big kisses daddy XXXXXXXX

Monday 12 September 2011

Had a few drama's with the trains but i made it with 30 mins to spare, as i walked up to the school fence i could see children playing in the play ground the i hear pickles voice call out daddy, i walked up to the fence and saw pickle playing with her friends the teacher saw me and walked over so i introduced myself and explained it was my first time collecting Issy and i had arrived to early, she told me her name was Mrs macavoy, and said she was pleased to meet me, she told me what a good girl pickle was, i felt so proud, pickle had come to the fence to see me and asked when i was picking her up, i said 30 mins pickle said yay, and told me she had missed me, Mrs macavoy told me i could wait inside the visitor center until it was time, the school was very nice and the staff were friendly and im sure pickle will be happy there, after 20 mins i went to stand with the other parents i could see pickle waving at me through the window, when she came out pickle ran straight into my arm and gave me a big squeeze, then we set off to London, when we got to Nanny's there was cards and flowers and balloons and lots off people, Issy's aunts uncles and cousins and of course nanny, pickle gave nanny a hug and a kiss and wished her happy birthday, nanny gave pickle belle and Jake a balloon each and a present, every one tucked into the food before giving nanny her cake pickle belle and Jake helped nanny blow the candles out, pickle asked if she could have a sleep over at Nanny's with Jake, and nanny said of course you can, after i gave pickle a kiss good night i went straight to bed it had been a long day but a lovely day... in the morning i went to get pickle and asked what she would like to do she said give nanny her present as we hadn't had a chance to wrap it and write a card so pickle gave nanny her present, a picture frame with a beautiful picture of nanny and pickle having a hug in a lavender field, nanny loved it. we all went and got something to eat then i took pickle shopping, i said i would get her a little present because her teacher said she was a very good girl, so we went to the Disney shop a pickle chose a puzzle of Rapunzel, Issy couldn't wait to get back and make her puzzle, we have so much fun together that the time flys by, when i put Issy to bed i read her the book the school had given her it was called copy cat, pickle liked it and asked if i could read it again straight away so i did then we kissed good night, in the morning after breakfast i took pickle to the park to meet auntie Karen, belle and grace, i took pickles kite and the girls all took turns trying to fly it, before we knew it, it was time to head back to Sheffield, so pickle said by by to every one and we headed off.....

Thursday 8 September 2011

I'v had a big smile on my face all day, tomorrow i get to pick issy up from her new school for the first time, i cant wait to hear all about it, and see her in her uniform for the first time, i'm so proud of my little princess, also so its nannys birthday tomorrow so pickle and i will wrap her present and write a card for her on the train on the way to london, iv missed you so much picklelilly se you after school tomorrow xxxxxx

Sunday 4 September 2011

Time is flying by so fast cant believe pickle starts school in a couple of days, I'm driving up so i can see her in her uniform walking into school for the first time, I'm so proud of my little princess, i know I'm bias but pickle really is a dream, always happy and we always have lots of fun.
Spending 3 and a half weeks together this summer was amazing, pickle, Jake, Sarah and i went to Haven caravan park for 5 days. it was the first time i had stayed at a caravan park and i thought it was great, each day we all went to the beach in the morning, crabbing and catching lots of shrimp and fish as well, it was great fun pickle and Jake absolutely loved it, it was magic to see them laughing especially when Jake went to pick up a shrimp and it started flapping around, he let out a big squeal and we all laughed, pickle was picking up fish and shrimps not scared at all, then before heading back to the site pickle and Jake would put the fish and shrimps back in the water then they would let the crabs go on the beach and watch them race to the sea, one day they had more than 20 crabs to set free it was so funny watching the kids laughing as the crabs all scurried back the the water. when we were back at the site we spent most of our time in the pools one indoor and one out door, pickle and Jake love swimming and its great to see how well they get around the pool with there floats they can get all the way from one end to the other without any help, in the evenings we would all play bingo then Issy and Jake would join in the kids play time and dance at the disco. it was great Issy and Jake asked if we could go there again next summer.