Saturday 14 April 2012

Easter holiday to Disneyland

The Easter holiday is over, Pickle and i had so much fun the time just flew by, On the way home after i collected pickle from school she told me how excited she was about going to disney land and wanted to know how many sleeps until we go, i told her we had 4 sleeps to go but before we go to disney land but before we go we are going shopping for some new clothes at westfield, pickle loves shopping for new clothes, we had a lovely day at the shopping mall pickle chose some beautiful new clothes and we had lunch at pizza express. the next day we went to chessington for the first time this year and took Jacob with us, it was great fun the sun was shinning and the park wasn't to busy so we got to go on lots of rides pickle and jacob went on the bungie trampolines pickle did a back flip, and we all watched the new madagascar show it was a great day. Monday night pickle was so excited about going to disney the next morning that she fell asleep straight after tea, in the morning we headed into london to meet Sarah and Jacob and to get the train to disney we arrived at st pancras i had a coffee while we waited for Sara and Jake then we all boarded the Euro star, when we arrived at Disney the sun was shinning we went and checked into the hotel, it was amazing our room was great, we dumped our bags and headed straight into the park it wasn't as busy as i thought it would be witch was great as we didn't have to wait long to get on the rides we spent the afternoon in the park going on many rides then we went back to our room and got changed and went out to dinner before going to watch the day show and fire works display, we all slept well that night, in the morning after breakfast we started the day in the disney studio park there were some great rides like the star wars space flight and buzz light year, after lunch pickle put on her rapunzel costume and we went back to the main park and watch the parade it was great all the caracters from the disney movies were there, after the parade we went back on the rides, the pirates of the carabian was one of our favourites, we went on a ride called thunder mountain none of us really knew what to expect and we were surprised when it took off so fast, it was the first real roller coaster pickle and Jacob had been on, i was worried it might scare pickle but she was loving it, i could hear Sarah laughing in the carage behind us, i turn to see what she was laughing at and saw Jacob holding his hand on his chest saying i want to get of im having a heart attack, when the ride finished pickle said i want to do it again and jake said never again, we went to the rain forest restraunt for dinner there were life size anamatronic elephants in there, then we watched the evening show and fire works again before heading back to the hotel. on the last day the weather turned a bit wet and cold but we still had fun before setting off home, we went on another roller coaster even jake :)

Wednesday 14 March 2012

WOW!! the weekend flew by, got to pickles school 30 mins early so i could have a look through the stuff Issy's been doing since she started, it was so nice to be able to see it all, when i picked pickle up she had a teddy with her, she called him weekend ted and told me he had a diary with him so we could write about his weekend with us, we headed to the station and got the train home, after having tea we watched a movie and pickle asked if she could sleep in the living room on the sofa, i told her she could and lay with her until she was asleep, in the morning pickle came in to me and woke me up i couldn't believe my eyes when i looked at the time, it was only 6:30am she climbed into my bed and played with the ipad while i got a bit more sleep, only a bit mind Issy wanted me to get up because she was excited about going to the hairdressers to get her hair cut, so after we had breakfast we walked to the hairdressers pickle asked to have her hair cut to shoulder length i was a bit apprehensive but agreed, i sat with ted while Issy had a wash cut and blow dry she absolutely loved being treated like a big girl, my doubts were soon forgotten, when it was finished pickle looked beautiful, we went to nanny's to meet Jacob Sarah and Richie then headed to brocketts farm, where Karen and Anabelle met us it was a beautiful day the kids played and fed the animals pickle even held a snake and they all had a ride on a pony, i got some great pics of the day, when we got home pickle picked out a dress to wear to her friend Emily's birthday sleep over, she looked gorgeous in it with her new hair do, after taking her there and watching pickle give Emily her birthday present i headed home and got some sleep, in the morning i went to collect Issy and here all about the sleep over, when i got there Issy was eating her breakfast, she told me that they had played games like musical statues and they had there faces painted and it had been a lot of fun, then she said Sophie, Emily's sister had got chicken spots, Emily's mum said they came up in the night, Emily and Sophie usually go to stage school on Sunday but wouldn't be able to go now, Issy said thank you for a lovely time and hope to see you again soon then we headed to nanny's we got to spend an hour with nanny before we had to leave for our train, it was a fantastic weekend, but as usual it was over to quick, i sent pickle her weekly card with pictures in of our time together she should get it in the morning post.............

Wednesday 7 March 2012

3 months into to 2012.....

Cant believe its march already and this is my first post this year.. ill briefly bring pickles blog up to date.. I went up to sheffield christmas night and stayed in a hotel so i could get pickle in the morning, at about 10:30 pickle arrived it was so good to see her. there was lots of kisses and cuddles before we set off home, it was a bit of a nightmare drive so the less said the better but we made it to nannys in time to eat and see everyone, pickle gave out the presents we had, to jacob, bell and nanny and got some nice presents herself, we had a great week together visiting winter wonderland, having sleep overs, baking cakes and going to the park, we have had some great weekends since christmas to, been to the cinema with Emily and Sophie, the aquarium with nanny, the butterfly house with jacob and nanny, a big sleep over with Emily, Sophie, Maya, and Isla, and lots of dressing up, my favourite costume for pickle was Smurfette, this friday im going to get to pickles school early so i can have a look at all the stuff pickles been doing there, then we will head home, hopefully get back in time to see nanny for an hour, then saturday morning pickle's booked ind for a cut wash and blow dry at the hairdressers then we will meet up with auntie Sarah and Jacob not sure what we'll do yet but then in the afternoon its Emily's birthday party sleep over, pickle is really looking forward to that :)..... will update after the weekend....

Sunday 25 December 2011

Happy christmas to every one....

Its christmas morning, im wishing i was with pickle opening her presents and getting a big kiss and cuddle, im waiting for her to call me and tell me all about what santa brought her, ill be heading up to sheffield this afternoon and spending the night in a hotel ready to pick issy up in the morning and head back, we should get to nannys in time for dinner with all the family, and pickle can open all her presents and give her cousins there presents, i cant wait to see my princess, i would give anything to be with you right now pickle, DADDY LOVES YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Monday 19 December 2011

Time flies by so fast... Friday before last i took nanny up to Sheffield to see pickle in her school play, we got there nice and early so we got to sit at the front by the stage, pickle looked so beautiful in the angel costume i got for her, the play was performed by 4 and 5 year old and it was fantastic they all did really well, it was great to watch, i filmed it but it was difficult because all i wanted to do was keep the camera on pickle lol, nanny and i bought some raffle tickets from one of pickles teachers and after the play they had the draw and we won a Christmas cake, when Issy had changed out of her costume nanny and i took her for tea at pizza express in meadowhall but all to quickly it was time to say by by and for nanny and me to head back to London. early in the week pickles mum let me know pickle was poorly she had to take some medicine and would not be going back to school until after Christmas, so i arranged to pick her up a day early, that day makes such a difference, though we couldn't go out much as pickle needed to rest in the warm but we did visit Santa's grotto. pickle enjoyed that, and we did some fun things indoors, pickle is getting very good on the computer she was designing party invitations and printing them and we made a princess crown with sparkly beads, glitter and pipe cleaners, it was so nice chilling with pickle for a long weekend, its only 6 days until Christmas and i wont get to see pickle on Christmas day, though i am hoping to talk with her on the phone, i will then pick her up on boxing day and hope to get back to London in time for dinner at nanny's with all the family, and pickle will be staying with me for a week, i cant wait.......

Monday 5 December 2011

Its Monday and iv just had another great weekend with pickle, and what could have been a disaster turned out to be fun...
i hired a mini bus to take pickle and her friends to winter wonderland the traffic was bad on the way there, when we arrived i dropped every one at the entrance and went to park the van, while i was looking for a parking space i got a call from uncle Richie to say they where still at the entrance and there was a 2 hour wait to get in, so it was decided that we would all go out to eat instead so i drove back to pick them up, when i got there i noticed pickles cream tights where dirty pickle told me that her Belle Grace Jacob Maya Isla Sophie and Ellie had all been playing in a huge pile of leaves over 2 feet deep and it was a lot of fun.. anyway we all got back on the mini bus and headed to pizza express while we where waiting for our order to be taken the oven in the restaurant blew up and the manager apologised and said they where unable to cook anymore food that night, so we all piled back onto the bus and went in search of another place to eat finally we managed to get fed and what could have been a disaster wasn't because the kids all had fun even though we didn't get into winter wonderland, during the week i found an angel costume for pickle to wear in her school Nativity play, and Friday nanny and i are going to pickles school to watch her in the play then take her out for tea, i cant wait :)

Thursday 10 November 2011

After the great day at chessington we went back to nanny's for tea then Jacob came back with pickle and me for another sleep over and of course that meant making more pop corn and movies but it wasn't long before pickle and Jacob were asleep, worn out from running round at chessington, so i left them in the big bed in the living room and got into my own bed, they were both excited in the morning when they woke because we were going to London to see the lion king so after we washed dressed and had breakfast we went back to nanny's for a bit then headed into London we got to the theatre just in time to get a drink and some snacks before taking our seats, when the show started pickle and Jacob were mesmerised by the great costumes, it was a great show and we all really enjoyed it after it finished i let pickle and Jacob buy something from the souvenir shop pickle chose a cuddle toy and Jacob chose a book, then we had to head straight back as Jacob was going to his dads for a couple of days, its been a while since i started this post and a couple of weeks have passed, the weekend after we went to see the lion king pickle came to stay with me again and we had more sleep over pop corn nights and pickle Jacob and me went swimming at there favourite bathes, it was children in need weekend so pickle wore her pudsy ears all weekend, we had a great time...